Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Government Cuts go Too Far: Unfair Cuts to Services for Vulnerable People

Since this country has acquired the national debt, this government seems only keen to balance the books by any old means whatsoever. So what if some old bloke in sheltered housing will have no warden to check if he has eaten all day? So what if some troubled youths will have nowhere to go but an abusive home or fall back into drug abuse? So what? Let’s balance the books so that we can look good for the next election!

Unfair Cuts to Voluntary Organizations

Cuts in Public Funding
There are real stories behind these horrendous cuts and real casualties. The scale of the cuts is truly terrifying and is ruining this country. Let’s take a look at some of the horror stories behind the government’s cutting strategy.

Unfair Cuts to the UK Public Sector

Unfair cuts are happening to local councils, voluntary organisations, charity organizations, youth centres and old people’s homes. The extent and direction of these cuts affect the following examples:

Not for profit organizations for people with learning difficulties.
Organizations that support and help alcoholics, substance and drug abusers.
Charities that help children and young people with mental health problems.
Local youth centres and services for people with nowhere to go.
Citizen’s Advice Bureaus.
Charity organizations that help stop young people from reoffending.
Young carers projects that offer relief for children who care for a family member.
Staff that support old people in sheltered accommodation.
Charity organizations that support the disabled.
Community centres that serve homeless people.
Carers and counsellors for young disabled people.
Support and help for children with HIV.
And many more...

The consequence of this is job losses. Job losses, job losses and more job losses. And the consequence of job losses are evictions, homelessness and increase in debt. This is frightening when there are already over 1 million homeless people in this country.

Horrific Cuts to Charity Services

So according to the Government, in order to balance the books in this country we must cut services to vulnerable people until they have no support network.

A close member of my family has been affected by these government cuts. He is in his eighties and lives in sheltered accommodation. There are several old people with mental health difficulties who live in his complex. There are plans to get rid of all staff, emergency buttons and privatize the complex. Whenever I visit my family member, another resident is seen punching his door and wailing. That’s all he does. Wails and punches the door.

No one ever visits this man. He only speaks to the warden. What will happen when the warden disappears along with the emergency button? What will happen once the complex is privatized and anyone can move in? This man with mental health problems has been a victim of burglary several times and is a sitting duck for the unscrupulous. He represents thousands of people in this country who will be left with no support system whatsoever because of the government’s ‘cuts’.

Bad Solution for National Debt

According to Nick Robinson’s report Spend, spend, spend – what are politicians up to? (BBC News Politics 1 December 2014), the politicians are still spending as though there is no debt. The Coalition has pledged to spend billions upgrading the road network. Hmm.

Okay, so the roads are important, but hasn’t the government got their priorities wrong?

Good Money After Bad

The government is also pledging billions to be spent on flood defences after wet winters. And yet the government’s National Housing Strategy and a relax on planning rules is causing building to occur on floodplains anyway. Farmland in the UK is being depleted, forcing the UK to import food from the EU, to be at the mercy of the overseas prices. Taxes will go up, causing a further squeeze in this country. Again, the poor and vulnerable will suffer and more cuts are inevitable.

Labour claims they would reduce the national debt in a ‘fairer’ way by stagger-taxing the rich via a ‘mansion tax’ to homes worth over £2million. There will obviously be a huge outcry. But taxes will increase anyway. And I strongly suspect the vulnerable will be clobbered again.

Instead of investing the money where it is really needed, the money is being spent on a quick fix to look good. If support networks for the vulnerable were to stay, people would remain in jobs, the vulnerable could attain some independence and contribute to this country. Communities would have a heart. Without vital support where it is needed, the damage to this country will be costlier than the money saved from these cuts.

Link Relating to News about Unfair Government Cuts

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